
Born: April 7, 2002
Died: August 9, 2013

Dakota was our third dog. He was born just outside of Flint, Michigan at Woodhaven Labradors (now Kelrobin Labradors). Dakota's breeder Laura Michaels warned that he was the alpha male and most difficult of the litter and that our lab experience would make us good owners. She wasn't kidding. Head strong and assertive, he was also smart as a whip which didn't necessarily make things any easier. He had a great personality though and turned into an incredibly loyal adult dog. He was also the first dog Rasa trained to hike off leash and has served as teacher to the dogs that came after. In the summer of 2013, Dakota developed cancer. We took him north so he could romp in the woods and swim while he still had the strength. Just before we returned home he died peacefully in Suttons Bay.

The first two photos below are some of the early photos that Laura posted on the Woodhaven website and kindly granted me permission to re-post here.